Revoltada com a reportagem do jornal inglês “The Independent”, que chamou o Rio de ‘cidade da cocaÃna e da carnificina’, a governadora Ro$1nha enviou um ofÃcio ao embaixador do Reino Unido, Peter Collecott. Eu consegui, junto com alguns orkuteiros, o original da carta da governadora:
(PostRating: 0 hits today, 0 yesterday, 67 total, 2 max)Very Excellent Mister Gringo,
We read in your niuspeipe that Rio is quepital of coqueine. And worse, dat here is laiki Sudan i Xexenia. Rio is veri, veri diferenti, Rio is wonderful. We nou deti is bicose de elexion, and this articol has the finguer of Cesar Maia, from devils party. Do not mix garlic with bugarlic. Rio is Rio, Sudan is Sudan and Xexenia, I dont know uere it is.
Best regards,
Little Rose,
Wife of Little Boy,
Governor in charge of wonderful city