Trapaça básica para o Minesweeper (Campo Minado) do Windows
Q. How can I always win at Minesweeper?
A. You can configure Minesweeper to display either a white or black pixel on screen, depending on if the cursor is over a mine (black) or not (white) by following these steps:
1. Start Minesweeper.
2. Type xyzzy then press Shift+Enter.
3. Minimize all windows and begin play.
The pixel in the top left-hand corner of the desktop will be black if the cursor is over a mine square or white if the cursor is over a safe square. This trick works on all versions of Minesweeper supplied with Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 3.1.
(postado originalmente em 05 de setembro de 2002. A dica não funciona no Campo Minado do Vista.)
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