O que Tolkien realmente disse sobre o sexo dos elfos

Elves were indeed androgynous. It’s established that elf guys were beardless (History of Galadriel and Celeborn, UF) There’s one contradiction in this in Círdan’s being bearded. (The Grey Havens, ROTK) Tolkien describes the differences between the elvish sexes as follows in LACE:

“In all such things not concerned with the bringing forth of children, the neri and nissi (that is, the men and women) of the Eldar are equal…there was less difference in strength and speed between elven-men and elven-women that had not borne child than is seen among mortals.”

Leia mais: O que Tolkien realmente disse sobre o sexo dos elfos

Texto que corrobora, pero no mucho, a ideia de que esse papo de “sociedade do anel” é coisa de quem joga “água” para fora da “bacia”

(postado originalmente em 15 de janeiro de 2004)

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